As we leave today for winter break, we want to share some moments and projects from the last two weeks. Take a look at our photos and enjoy!
Our bear collage came along great! After observing photos of black, brown, and white bears, we glued materials of the same color to our big silhouette. Some paper was smooth, some was rough, some fabric was soft. One morning, Holden even roamed the classroom carrying the bear and roaring along with his friends.
When a few large boxes appeared in our room yesterday afternoon, the question was posed,
What could this box be?
For some it was a boat, for some a bathtub, for others a train, but today it became a ball rolling canvas. As both a morning provocation and afternoon small group activity, the children got their hands messy by dipping whiffle balls into the slimy paint. The children used the balls in variety of ways to make marks, some throwing, others rolling, some making dots, and others sweeping it as a paintbrush. While exploring our sense of touch and a new way to paint, we created a beautiful piece of community art.
Some groups went on walk through the next-door garden to observe the chickens! Sometimes we can see them from our playground, but they are so much better up close!
We also explored some new provocations!
Pulling pine needles with our fingers to make chocolate soup!
Sewing was great practice for our ladybug books!
Oh so tall Sam!
Pine needles are great for painting too!
Another group was able to revisit the soft and mooshy wool dyeing!
Jake’s and his mother shared their family tradition of celebrating St. Lucia! They shared a book, sang us a beautiful song, and brought delicious cookies! We lit candles
Thank you for a great Fall! We had so much fun and can’t wait to see everyone next year!
Enjoy the candle your children decorated and the ladybug book they created! Maybe even read it by candlelight some night!