Dear Preschool Parents,
Earlier in the week the focus was on orienting the children to the beautiful new environment (The children took some of the photos here). Children took out puzzles and explored the Atlilier while others began storytelling right away with the new animals in the block area.
“Dinosaur, ROAR!” -Vincent
“I love these.” -Thais
“I just want this room to be my room!” -Effy
“There are two little suitcases!” -Claudia
“Where’s the scissors?” -August (August took the scissors from the shelf and carefully cut the tip off of the string so he could continue beading)
“Ms. Natalie, I like this new classroom.” -Max
“If you have your jacket in your hands, you have to put it in your cubby” -Max
A wonderful story about a fox, that showed up in the block area, is developing. “The fox wants his mommy and daddy” -Effy “It’s ok fox, come here”…Here is your house” -Max
Today preschool friends listened to the story of Where the Wild Things Are and looked at the artwork from the book while the audio played on the iPad. It was amazing to see the children’s eyes narrow as they listened to the details of this classic children’s tale. The big surprise came when the narrator called out “Let the wild rumpus start!” and the children began to dance with such enthusiasm, such happiness, such joy! The plan is to make this our final play so parents if you have any Wild Thing costume fixings please bring them in to the preschool class next week.
“…a forest in his room” -Asher'”he was having a dream” -Oscar
“I think he thought he might be eat up soon” -Asher
“On the boat!” -Asher
“Max’s private boat took him home” -Vincent
“It has a ladder.” -Claudia
“Those are sails” -Oscar
“He has a boat!” -Everette
“Be Still!” -August
“Sorry you’re too big, you can’t go in, sorry” -Asher
“No, he’s not scared!” -Oscar
“Excuse me, the wild thing was under the water and he leaped out” -Sam
“He had cake and milk and oatmeal for his supper” -Adelyn
The children continued to take photos and today Thais, Hazel, Lilla and Claudia took turns photographing the planting of our spring/summer flowers.
What a truly interesting perspective children bring out through their photography. “Put your finger on the silver button and keep it there!” said Lilla as she instructed Thais who was trying out the camera for the first time. “Smile, you have to smile a little” said Lilla as she aided Hazel in photographing Vincent.
Dress up was in full gear today! Thank you to the secret parent/adult (please let us know who you are) for bringing in the red Chinese dress, the Mexican (or Guatemalan?) dress, and the lovely, colorful flowing skirt.
“Papa goes to China” -Dalila “Watch it twirl” -Dalila
“It’s time for the play” -Hazel
“We need your money and tickets” – Thais, Hazel, Harper, Claudia
“Now presenting the play!” -Hazel
“You be Cinderella” -Hazel
“You can be the God Mother” -Harper
“Go to the garden and the fairy godmother will come” -Hazel
Finally Italian Pizelle were brought in for tea time and the children really enjoyed dipping these thin waffles into their tea. What does it taste like?
“Like chocolate ice cream.” -Claudia
“Like a cone!” -Lilla
Finally, the children enjoyed decorating their “Beautiful Stuff” bags with waxy crayons. Parents, please take home this brown bag over the weekend and fill it with collected items from your child. There is a letter from Ms. Sandra in each bag with suggested items and explaining further the idea behind the “Beautiful Stuff” campaign. We will be doing this weekly and be sure that you can collect things any day to bring in to share. Perhaps if you have paper bags at home it will make it easy to collect when you are out and about…just keep them handy. The children can chose to bring the items in to share for the day and then bring the items back home or leave the items for our Atlelier.
May 7th is our Spring Fling! Meet us here at the school from 2-5 for a delightfully fun event.