Attention Dear Parents:
Hear ye, hear ye! Wild Things in the making! Help your child to prepare his/her Wild Thing costume by sending in an oversized plain white tee-shirt on Monday.
Join us for two exciting events! First, parents are welcome to join us for our Where the Wild Things Are play next week. This play has been adapted from the book and the music is from an audio we found on youtube with some great wild rumpus sounds. The date for the play is May 4th and 5th for the children at school and then Friday, May 6th at 10:30 for parents and other friends. We will be having a potluck picnic directly after the play. Bring a blanket and something cool to drink. Please be sure that your potluck item does not include nuts or sesame, and we’d like to have as many gluten free options as possible.
We have a field trip in the works for Tuesday May 10th, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at Dr. Bombay’s Underwater Tea Party in Chandler Park. We will of course be taking MARTA and we would appreciate any parent volunteers for this event. We are very excited about our final field trip together as the children have been serving and enjoying tea time in preschool since October. This very important thread that has had a huge impact on the way the children communicate with each other a they share food and drink in a very civilized manner. We are ready to show the public how our preschool friends can serve themselves tea and enjoy conversation over tea.
Another important thread in preschool has been nature observations…Insect habitats and identification/ classification, caring for animals (specifically chickens) in their natural environment, and cultivating plants. You will see in our photos below how much the children love feeding the chickens and observing how they live and grow. Preschool friends found the answer to the question we had back in March, which is “Where are the chicken’s eggs?” Now that it is warm and the spring weather is here we have been finding eggs each day in the coop. The children have used the Nixon camera to take photos and photography seems to be a budding interest for many friends.
Our friend Lilla’s last day at the Willow School was today and we enjoyed preschool made cinnamon, millet muffins and low sugar gluten free sprinkle cookies. Thank you to Lilla’s mom for bringing in watermelon and grapes to share (oh, and ice pops later in the day!) We love you Lilla!
Enjoy the photos!