Drip Painting…
Bringing together our exploration of ephemeral art and interest in dominoes (cause and effect) we began experimenting with painting on a ramp to create drip painting. The results were colorful and the children were engaged. Children wanted to make teams and race their colored drops down to the bottom of the paper.
We plan on doing larger scale drip painting and drip painting with melted crayons. Stay tuned!
International Week…
Children brought in different props to talk about their experiences and family cultures. Darcy talked about her trip to New Zealand and Fiji, Keoki brought photos and a doll relating to his families cultural heritage while Ethan brought in some photos and a bear from China from his dad’s trip. During this week Dante’s tree had to be taken down at his house. It was a memorable experience for him and he wanted to share it with the class.

Valentines Day…
Friends enjoyed making cards for each other and envelopes to collect their cards. They were engaged at the writing table writing notes for their family and friends. We wrote words for them to write that they were interested in like “Daddy” “Mommy” “I love you” “XOXO”. When it became time to distribute the cards children took turns matching the names on the cards to the envelope of each child. We ended the morning with an awesome parade in the hall.
Reminders and Upcoming Events…
There is still space to sign up to be a mystery reader on Tuesdays. Check out the sign up genius link!
Field Trip to the High Museum is tentetively scheduled for March 7. We will be taking Marta. We need 7 volunteers! Hope you can join us for this fun event!
Please remember to take your nap bag home on Fridays to wash the contents and return in the bag on Monday morning. Thanks! Have a great week!