This week in the infant class we studied the color blue. We explored painting with bubble wrap, sensory play with blue gak, water play with blue water and small blue toys, and ice cube paintings with blue ice cubes. Today they made a Blueberry loaf for snack with Ms.Keli. The infants enjoyed mixing and pouring the ingredients. We have enjoyed going outside with the weather being nice this week. Spring is here ?we can not wait to enjoy being outside again next week.
The children are truly enjoying this exploration of color. Next week we will explore the color that is made when you combine red and blue together,PURPLE! We will be painting with sugar free vanilla in one of our activities please let one of the teachers know if you DO NOT want your child to participate in the activity. On Friday we will have a Pajama Party to celebrate our last day of school before Spring Break. Picture day was a success and everyone looked nice. A email has been sent out with a link to the pictures. If you don’t like the pictures there is a makeup day on Wednesday. Let Ms. Janine know if you would like your child to take their pictures over.