The first week of school has been amazing! We welcome three young twos, Ella, Elias, and Lucas with smiles and hugs while Elise and Hazel are so proud to be part of “The Blue Line” !
Our class was filled with joyous bodies and curious minds. The littles ones missed their classroom and friends. They grew so much and had so much to show each other, to tell us and to explore.
Both Young and Older Twos displayed an interest (re-interest) in clay in terms of sensory: how it feels looks, molds and reacts when you press items on it. They are also intrigued by new materials and new knowledge: this aged okra looked cool and was a seed pot.
‘How things work’ is deffinately an underlying thread
” Look, It’s a Star!” Lucas shouted upon seeing the impression of the aged okra on the clay
Familiar and overworked materials were approached with new eyes and eager hands, as if to say ” I miss these blocks so much!”
“Look, I Made Grass!”– Devin
We also focused on the alligator this week, he doesn’t have a name yet but we love him so much already. We learned more about alligators, their habitats as well as their skin texture, intriguing eyes and very tricky personality.
Our friends painted the big alligator from head to toe with a mixture of sand, paint, water, and crayons.
We look forward to delving into next week, getting comfortable with our routines and allowing our friends to show us which directions they want to go and how they want to make our classroom our own.
During teacher planning we discovered that animals are still a strong threat in our minds: Not so much discovering different kinds of animals but experiencing individual ones and learning all the facts about what makes them unique. This week, Austin was and Sam were a puppy pack and they communicated in doggie language (So cute).
If you have any ideas on how to contribute and collaborate with us on the current thread (we love animals) please communicate with one of us as we would love that!
Now, here is a joke just made up on the spot:
Chicken little goes to her teacher frantically shouting “THE SKY IS FALLING, THE SKY IS FALLING” to which her teacher replied “the sky is fine! see? Now go play!”
We know sometimes, in the Twos Class, the sky may look like its falling but it’s fine. We spend 95% of our days laughing, dancing and having fun with loving teachers and happy friends!