Good Afternoon, Preschool Parents!
I would just like to thank you all for the support you have given me and the class during this time of transition, as we search for our new teacher. I would also like to thank Shana for her help. The kids really love having Shana in the class and we wish we could keep her around. Fortunately, she will be assisting us as we transition to a new classroom teacher. We do not have much information to share about the new teacher right now, but we will all get to meet her on Tuesday, March 14th.
We would also like to thank our parents for the support we had during the auction, and for all your support with the auction project. Special thanks to Melissa Snyder and Jennifer Smith for their help completing the project. We still have prints and stationary available for purchase. The prints are $10 and the stationary is $20. Please see me or someone from the front office if you are interested in purchasing.
As the season changes to warmer weather, we have moved our classroom workspace outside. We have worked really hard over the last two weeks to revamp our forest space on the playground. We have been creating a fairy garden using recycled materials to construct bird feeders, fairy habitats, and hanging mobiles. If you have any recycled materials at home that you could contribute, we welcome them. We can use any garden supplies, seeds, seedlings, birdseed, and any recycled plastic containers you might have. Please take the time out during pick-up or drop-off to visit our fairy garden and see all the hard work we have been doing. We have been collaborating with the Two’s class on this project. Our goal is to host a fairy garden museum night and we will be sending more details out about that event in the near future.
In addition to our fairy garden, the kids are really interested in constructing vehicles, and other structures from loose parts materials like clothespins, wire mesh and popsicle sticks. They have been constructing flat, 2-dimensional houses and buildings, and complex three dimensional structures such as airplanes, trucks, and boats. We are really excited to see how these interests develop throughout the remainder of our school year.
Thanks again, for all your support!
Mr. Jermaine
Ms. Shana
Ms. Diamond
Bird Feeders
(Materials – wood, glue, ribbon, paintbrushes, pinecones, sun butter, bird seed)
Jake, Siena, Lila, Reed, and David decorate our clock bird feeder together.
Rose, Lila, and David decorate pinecones to feed the birds.
Dominic and Jake decorate pinecones to feed the birds.
David, Alexander, and Jonah construct a bird feeder.
Water Play: Lava Box
(Materials – water, oil, food coloring, glitter)
Felix, Jack S. and Jack R. notice that the water turns from red water to pink water as they pour it out
Dominic and Alexander mix and measure to create their own lava lamps
Kiki, Uma and Alexander mix food color into the oil bubbles and watch the colors “explode” into the water!
What Do Fairies Look Like?
Siena adds wings to her fairies. “These are her ears and THESE are her wings!”
Rose writes her name on her fairy to hang in the fairy garden
Donovan shows us what a fairy looks like with his body, and then draws a fairy to hang on the fence
Lila asks Mr. Jermaine to name her fairy
Dominic – “My fairy looks like a truck!”
London – “I drew my fairy in a house in a truck.”
Maddie – “I’m drawing a fairy from the TV!”
Fairy Gardens
(Materials – wood, twigs, glue, printed signs)
David works on constructing our “garden” sign
David, Owen and Alexander work together to construct the “Fairy Garden” sign
Counting & Constructing Loose Parts
(Materials – calculators, pens, paper, beads, wood, clothespins, wire mesh, popsicle sticks)
David and Uma calculate what they will need to build from loose parts
Reed – “Look! I made a plane!”
David – “I’m making a jet”
Maddie – “I’m making a super boat rocket!”
Uma – “I’m making a plane that can fly under the water”
Jake – “Hey! Look at me in my monster truck!”