Lovely parents!
We’re so happy to be back to school and have had a great transition since our lengthy break! We are happy to report that our new friends are adjusting well to our class, our older friends have been so caring that it feels like the transition never happened.
We do miss our twos, Theo, Joi and Sinclair, but we get to say “hi” on the playground everyday and give them lots of hugs and kisses.

Joi and Samir were and are still best buddies

Geneva and Theo
Here is a few happenings of what has been going on and what’s to come!
Before spring break, We planted our “wonderful peas!” and are so eager to watch them grow. We learned that the plants are babies and need water, sun and lots of love to grow big and strong! We hope they grow so we get to taste them.

Last Wednesday, we also played in the dirt with Ms. Teresa

We planted flowers and bushes by the front door
We have mastered yoga and love to invite friends over! Ms. Shannon followed along as we did the “tree pose”.
We are all finally big enough to visit the big playground where there’s lots of space to play ball and fly our kites! Walking is freedom!

We played basketball!

This is how we swing. Absolutely our class’s way of figuring things out. When we’re not big enough, we find a way to make it work.

The leapfrog provocation was a success

We observed artwork

We also collected rocks
Our Ones have done such an amazing job sharing in the past week that it is worth noting. We’re convinced that they’ve grasped the concept! It is the cutest thing to watch all their little hand and fingers working together, taking turns and sharing!

Couldn’t pass on Mavrie’s infamous cute faces!
This week, we are excited to learn all about bugs! We will make binoculars to watch them closely both from our window and Outside. If you see a caterpillar or lady bug, take some pictures (or borrow it from nature) we’ll release back we promise!
*****Eager for Parent-Teacher Conference?! Us too! Don’t forget to fill out the parent questioner and send them to us please. We’re emailing them to you now!
Have a a great week!
Ones Team