Welcome to the Infant blog! We will no longer be sending a monthly newsletter, but you will receive a weekly newsletter through the blog, which you can access through the Willow School homepage. We are so excited to share the numerous things the infants and toddlers have been doing over the past week. You will also have the benefit of printing any pictures we post on the blog.
This week we have been doing many activities leading up to winter and also the holidays. Your wonderful babies have been busy decorating our room and preparing presents. Pine cones were given to them with white and blue paint. One by one they rolled the pinecones through the paint and also enjoyed the feel of two different textures. Their teachers topped the pinecones off with a little glitter. We also had the pleasure of Ms.Shannon bringing her guitar in and letting the babies string it. The toddlers made a collage with cotton and blue paper. They each took turns patting the material on the contact paper.
Our infants are contributing to the winter wonderland we are trying to create in our room. 15-month-old Ella Sutandi, 9-month-old Bernadette Jobson, and 15- month-old Elias Parga-Tang are pictured participating in the decorations you will see displayed around our room.
One of our favorite things to do in the Infant class is story time. Here you see Mrs.Susan reading the book “Hippos Go Berserk”, that Felix Troka-Hand donated to the class in celebration to his first birthday.
We are a very musical class, and daily we introduce our infants to different sounds and different genres of music. Through observation, we have learned that they are curious about musical instruments. Ms. Shannon brought her guitar to show the class, and they were enamored by the large wooden object that she held. The children surrounded Ms. Shannon on the floor and reached for the foreign object. They loved the sound it made and enjoyed strumming their hands across the strings and banging on the body which made a percussive sound.
Coming Next Week…….
Next week we will continue to work on our winter wonderland and spending time talking about Hanukkah.
Our babies have been signing up a storm! Together we use signs to communicate when it is time to eat, sleep, change diapers, and say please and thank you. We will be adding new signs this week and look forward to sharing this process with you. Next to the parent communication board are the signs that we use on a daily basis. When you have a moment, take a look at them, and we welcome you to sign with us.
Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you next week.
The Infant Team