Younger Infants
This week in the young infants class, the focus was on rhythms and rhymes. The babies explored the strings of a guitar, and appeared to enjoy the sounds that it made. A few of them showed off their drum skills as well! We made “Itsy Bitsy Spiders”, and spent some time exploring the climbing wall. Next week, the babies will continue with rhythm, with some fun sensory activities added in!
Middle Infants
The middle aged infants focus this week was all about the music and creating musical instruments. They enjoyed the sounds they created while banging on pots and pans, as well as the sounds made by other instruments. Next week’s focus is: Will it sink? or Will it float?
Older Infants
This week the older infants have been exploring making marks, lines, and on/off. Their favorite activity had to be the tubes and tunnels that we had fun with on Thursday. Next week they will focus on emotions, continuing on/off, and exploring fast and slow. Watch out for hug painting!
- Please check your child’s cubby daily
- Please provide at least two changes of clothes for your child
- Please remember to wash your and your child’s hands and arrival and pick up
- Please update February feeding plans
- February supply of wipes are due: 3 packs of 100 count wipes for full time infants and 2 packs of 100 count wipes for part time infants. If your child is water wipes only 3 packs of 100 count wipes for both full and part time infants.