Older Infants 6-18 months
This week the teachers of the older infants helped them in using all their senses to explore editable and non-editable materials. Mrs. Erika created scented spice jars for the infants to sniff and examine. Ms. Myesha took corn exploration to a whole new level allowing the children to explore whole ears of corn, the kernels of the corn and creamed corn. Ms. Corinda removed all of the seeds from the pumpkin and the children helped her plant the seeds in clay to see if they would grow. Mr. Jahi brought in sweet potatoes for the children to feel and taste. By providing a variety of open ended, everyday materials, infants and toddlers have the opportunity to discover how their senses work through imagination-based play and experimentation!
Younger Infants 3-6 months
The young infants spent a great deal of time outside exploring nature. They loved taking a stroll throughout the garden and looking up at the beautiful birds and clouds in the sky. Miss Sam and Miss Lenoir provided the infants with dirt and sand to explore and play with and they definitely enjoyed the dirt the most. They also have been noticing so many new things and they have shown so many new interests the past few weeks. They love to look at themselves in the mirror and see their reflections. They also love to taste and explore everything with their mouths so we will be doing many more “edible ” experiences in the coming weeks!